FREEPORT, GRAND BAHAMA — Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture Mario Bowleg threw out a challenge to a church filled with boys and young men during the opening of the 15th Annual Boys to Men Conference, which was held at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Wednesday, February 23, 2022.
“You could be a thermostat, or you could be a thermometer,” he said.
“A thermostat controls its environment and a thermometer adapts to its environment. So, the question is: Which one you will be?”
Bowleg told the boys gathered for the conference that they have the power to determine their destiny and have some say in what happens to them in their lives. He reminded them that every decision they make in their lives will determine their future, no matter if those decisions are good or bad.

The minister encouraged the boys and young men not to become discouraged even when doors or opportunities are closed in front of them.
“Don’t get discouraged, because that’s life,” he said.
“That means you will end up where you are supposed to be, not where you want to be.
“You must understand and know your purpose in life. If you don’t understand and know your purpose in this life, then my brothers, you will never know where you’re going.
“Understanding your purpose in life is knowing where your passion lies and in what you do best.
“Whether you’re an artist, a musician, athlete, good at mechanics, carpentry, whatever it is, once you understand your purpose, you will live a fulfilled life.”
Bowleg noted that the conference was right on track in helping to address some of the issues and concerns young men in the country face on a daily basis.
This year’s conference featured other speakers, including Norris Bain, deputy director of sports in the Northern Bahamas; Dudley Seide Jr, of Gateway Church on Bimini; and Youth Pastor of Calvary Temple Pastor Bruce Russell.