Forbes urges continued adherence to health protocols “until we find out more” about how contagious or lethal new omicron variant may be
NASSAU, BAHAMAS — HIV/AIDS and Infectious Disease Program Director Dr Nikkiah Forbes said while the omicron COVID variant is very concerning, research is ongoing around the world to determine whether the strain is more contagious or deadly and if existing vaccines will remain effective against it.
According to experts of the World Health Organization (WHO), the “variant of concern” first reported on in southern Africa carries numerous genetic mutations — far removed from the original Wuhan strain — that may allow omicron to spread quickly.
The delta strain, another WHO-labeled “variant of concern”, rapidly spread throughout the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States before becoming the dominant variant in The Bahamas and prompting a surge of cases this summer.
Forbes told Eyewitness News: “This is concerning, given there are so many mutations on this.
“The thing with mutations of viruses, in particular the SARS-CoV-2, is that some of these mutations impact either how deadly the virus is or how infectious it is, or can it escape vaccines or therapeutic agents.

“That’s what scientists really want to know when they see all of these mutations.
“Now, that is not known yet. That is being studied.
“What will be the impact of all of these mutations on how this omicron behaves?
“However, given the large compilation of mutations, countries are very, very concerned and so, they are getting ahead of this and planning now should it be proven that there will be a negative impact because of those mutations.
“So, we do have to plan…and vaccines, mask-wearing remain very good strategies until we find out more, and given how quickly it became the predominant strain in some of those countries, like South Africa, that does raise the alarm to that it may be more infectious, but that has yet to be proven.”
It remains to be seen if omicron will perform similarly, but Forbes advised the nation should not wait to find out and capacity must be built and vaccinations must continue.
In recent weeks, increased cases in both Europe and the United States have been labeled fourth waves.
It remains unclear if omicron and/or other factors have contributed to these large spikes in new infections and deaths.
The virus has already become the dominant strain in South Africa.

Last week, Minister of Health Dr Michael Darville said the new variant could threaten the country’s progress with a surge in cases.
Earlier this month, Darville was asked what level of cases and hospitalizations would prompt the government to reintroduce restrictions such as curfews and lockdowns.
The minister has the power to introduce such measures with the enactment of the Health Services (COVID-19)(General) Rules, 2021.
In response, Darville said there were certain metrics using various modeling that would prompt an increase in restrictions, but he was unable to provide details, noting that it was a complex undertaking that was still being fine-tuned.
The public state of emergency fell away on November 13, along with the existing curfew, though the new health rules largely provide for similar measures and a wide range of health protocols.