Universal healthcare coverage is ‘big ticket’ item at World Health Assembly

Universal healthcare coverage is ‘big ticket’ item at World Health Assembly

NASSAU, BAHAMAS- Health & Wellness Minister Dr Michael Darville is leading a Bahamian delegation to the 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland.

The agenda for this year’s assembly includes discussions on non-communicable diseases, Universal Healthcare Coverage, and topics related to the pandemic and anti-microbial resistance.

Dr Darville emphasized the government’s commitment to providing equitable healthcare services throughout the Bahamas. This commitment will be further reinforced through new legislation aimed at repealing the outdated National Health Insurance Act.

The 76th World Health Assembly commenced yesterday in Geneva, Switzerland, under the theme “Saving lives, driving health for all,” coinciding with the 75th anniversary of the World Health Organization (WHO). The World Health Assembly serves as the decision-making body of the WHO and is attended by delegations from all member states. Its primary functions include establishing organization policies, appointing the Director-General, overseeing financial matters, and reviewing and approving the proposed program budget. The Health Assembly convenes annually in Geneva, Switzerland.