Spate of break-ins in Lyford Cay

Spate of break-ins in Lyford Cay

NASSAU, BAHAMAS — The private gated community of Lyford Cay has been struck by a series of break-ins despite a nationwide lockdown restricting the movement of all residents to their homes.

An April 18 letter from the Lyford Cay Property Owners Association, obtained by Eyewitness News, warned residents of two “security incidents”, which it said were of the utmost concern.

According to the association, a resident contacted the security control room around 4:30am and reported that we was awoken by an intruder bending down on his knees next to his bed, checking the nightstand.

“When he got up, the intruder ran from the residence,” the association said.

“It is important to note that the outside door to the building had been left unlocked and the bedroom door left open.”

An hour before, a property manager of a residence was awakened by the sound of a screen being cut at his bedroom window that had been left ajar, according to the association.

“When he got up to check the window he saw a hand reach in through the torn screen and pull the blinds open,” the association said.

“When the intruder saw him, he ran away.”

The association said the property manager reported the incident to a K-9 patrolling officer shortly before 10 am.

It said in both incidents nothing was reported stolen.

It also said Lyford Cay security responded and conducted a thorough search; evidence was found and handed over to police.

“Based on the evidence, a male suspect is wanted by police in connection with these two incidents and previous incidents that took place earlier this month,” the association said.

“We urge all property owners to be extremely cautious about locking doors and security your premises, and to immediately contact security control… if you see or hear any suspicious activity.”

When contacted, authorities were unable to provide further details on the incidents at this time.

About Royston Jones Jr.

Royston Jones Jr. is a senior digital reporter and occasional TV news anchor at Eyewitness News. Since joining Eyewitness News as a digital reporter in 2018, he has done both digital and broadcast reporting, notably providing the electoral analysis for Eyewitness News’ inaugural election night coverage, “Decision Now 2021”.


I wonder how those break ins happen if there’s only one entrance into that property.

I’m thinking it was a workman, a gardener or some other workman, who didn’t go out the gates.

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