70 to 100 employees to be taken on during construction; 60 to 80 full-time employees when fully operational
“This is a great day for The Bahamas, for Andros and for the people of Fresh Creek”
NASSAU, BAHAMAS — A 100 percent Bahamian-owned private consortium of hotel and marina developers as well as investors have purchased the historic Lighthouse Yacht Club and Marina Ltd in Fresh Creek, Andros, the government announced yesterday.
Owned by the Hotel Corporation, the Lighthouse Yacht Club and Marina was the last remaining property in the government’s hotel portfolio.
Chairman of the Hotel Corporation Michael Scott said: “The Hotel Corporation went through a long and arduous approvals process and is delighted that Brian Hew’s dream has finally been realized.
“With his impeccable reputation as an internationally recognized resort developer and as a Bahamian, Mr Hew is uniquely qualified to restore the Lighthouse to its former glory and see the development plan through to its completion.
“We congratulate Brian and his team on this great achievement. “
The project is led by Hew, chairman of Coconut Bay Ltd, which owns and operates the award-winning Kamalame Cay in The Bahamas; and Dana Wells, a 45-year veteran at Graham Thompson renowned for his expertise in matters of land law, residential projects and hotel developments.
They bring together more than 75 years of experience in hotel and marina development, management and operations to the table and a commitment to the economic development and success of Andros.
Named for the 1800s lighthouse that marked the entrance to the Fresh Creek Channel, the property’s original marina and yacht club launched in 1952 and, over the next decade, drew sailboats and guests from Nassau and around the world.
It was abandoned in 1961. Decades later, a small hotel of the same name was erected on the site, but 2016’s Hurricane Matthew destroyed what remained of the club and marina, causing it to completely cease operations.
Scheduled to begin restoration in late 2021 and operations in 2022 — some 70 years after its original opening — the reimagined Lighthouse Yacht Club and Marina will employ some 70 to 100 employees during construction and 60 to 80 full-time employees when fully operational.
The area will be transformed into a full-service marina and mixed-use luxury resort and residential development.
Hew said: “With the relaunch of this historic yacht club and marina, my hope is that Fresh Creek, Andros, will be once again be celebrated with a stylish hotel, and marina — one that builds on the history of the lighthouse and one that will revitalize this long-overlooked area of Andros, expanding tourism, creating jobs and providing economic prosperity for the people of Andros.
“I have lived in Andros for more than 30 years and am pleased to reinvest in the island and its people.”
Wells said: “Economic investment and development in the Family Islands of The Bahamas is essential to the future success of our country.”

The development of boutique hotels in the Family Islands has been a strategic goal of this government.
Minister of Tourism and Aviation Dionisio D’Aguilar said: “This is a great day for The Bahamas, for Andros and for the people of Fresh Creek.
“The relaunched Lighthouse Yacht Club and Marina will not only add another luxury boutique hotel and resort to the island but will be a driving force in the reestablishment of Andros as a yachting destination of choice for visitors coming and returning to The Bahamas.”