Prospuh launches new automated investing feature

Prospuh launches new automated investing feature

The automated investing feature is tailored to accommodate users with varying risk profiles—low, medium, and high. Users can select specific stocks to invest in and choose a monthly investment schedule, making it affordable and effortless to grow their portfolios over time. This new feature ensures that the investing process is straightforward, relieving users from the constant need to manually invest and remember to invest regularly.

“Our goal with this new feature is to make investing as simple and effortless as possible. Whether our users prefer low, medium, or high-risk investments, they can easily set up a monthly investment plan that works for them. This takes away the strain of having to constantly monitor and manage their investments, allowing the platform to do the heavy lifting,” said N’Nhyn O’Cof, O’cof Securities Limited founder and Chief Executive Officer.

The automated investing feature is beneficial for users as it automates the reminders and tracking of investments, while giving users full control over their portfolios. Users can see their portfolios in real time and have the ability to make changes or sell investments as they see fit. They can also adjust their monthly investment plans whenever they choose, making the process stress-free. Additionally, Prospuh offers a four-minute educational video that provides a comprehensive walkthrough of the new feature, ensuring users can maximize its benefits.

“We created this feature after listening to our users,” said O’Cof. “With tens of thousands of users, we took the time to understand their needs. Many people asked for a simpler investing process, and we’ve delivered just that. This is one of many updates we have planned to enhance the platform.”

The new automated investing feature positions Prospuh alongside major international players in the digital investment space, offering users the same advantages as larger platforms.