PM reaffirms commitment to employment growth as top priority

NASSAU, BAHAMAS — Prime Minister Philip Davis said yesterday that employment growth remains a primary focus for his administration, stating: “We will not be satisfied until every Bahamian who wants a job has a job.”

During his contribution to the debate on the Speech from the Throne, Davis said the government is seeking to generate quality and quantity in additional employment opportunities.

“No qualified Bahamian is interested in remaining at the entry level for their entire career. No Bahamian professional who has invested time and money into self-development and education wants to hit an impenetrable glass ceiling that sees them stuck in the middle of the corporate structure,” said Davis.

In that regard, he noted that the government is launching a new Notice of Vacancy Unit at the Department of Labour, which will ensure that the law is enforced. 

“Our people rely on their government to protect them, and this Unit will step in to ensure that in instances when an employer hires a non-Bahamian, a Bahamian understudy is identified and is actively being trained. Eventually, in accordance with that training plan, the Bahamian will be elevated to that role, eliminating the need to fill the role with a non-Bahamian,” said Davis.

“This will be the biggest step taken to protect Bahamian workers since the introduction of Bahamianisation policies. It was a PLP government that fought for the interest of Bahamian professionals back then, and, unsurprisingly, the PLP has stepped up to protect our people once again.”


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