Leading up to the 2016 general elections, Dr. The Most Honourable Hubert Alexander Minnis said, “The country is sick, it needs a doctor”.
Remember that?
Well, the country must have remembered it. He was right, one million per cent correct.
Yesterday the full brunt of the labour leadership converged on the Office of the Prime Minister. The fact that the leadership was there in the first place, must have spelt that there are serious concerns with the labour force in the country. Most things are unsettled.
But the most ignorant of us know that “the handwriting is on the wall”. We, in our most naive state, know that the rumbling that we are hearing is more than just talk, something significant is brewing. The people, and specifically the workforce are upset.
The lack of respect displayed by the Minister of Labour, Dion Folks and Dr. Minnis must have angered the unions and could contribute to unnecessary unrest.
There has been any number of allegations that people have died from the overcrowding at the Accident and Emergency (A&E) and the lack of timely health care necessary.
I am appalled and highly disappointed that we are at this point in our country.
Many families are saddened that their loved ones will not be buried in a timely manner.
Consultants are not performing, autopsies are not being performed and a backlog of bodies are imminent. Funerals are being delayed because their loved ones are not being released. Families are being told to not make funeral arrangements.
Christmas is not a good time for funerals, so if these impending autopsies are not done, then people who passed this week or last week would not be buried until in the new year.
I appreciate the reasoning for the work stoppage, but it is unfortunate that consultants are unable or unwilling to perform their duties. This has brought hardship on families who are already grieving. This is so sad. We must fix this now!!!!
This quagmire of a web is all the fault of the Free National Movement (FNM) government of The Bahamas led by Dr. Minnis.
Through all of this anxiety and stress on families, the insensitive Prime Minister only concern is if the Saxons is going to win the Boxing Day Junkanoo Parade.
“You are not a better or wiser person simply because you’ve ceased to care.” ― Clifford Cohen
Insensitivity makes arrogance ugly, empathy is what makes humility beautiful. Of course, empathy comes from a peaceful mind.
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayer. Forgives us of all of our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The people who jumped up and down with the red, white and blue pom pom, must be feeling like a nincompoop, right about now.
I trust that you remove your head out of the sand, and confess your sins.
The country needs the comedy to end. We need for the sick, lame, dry jokes to cease. We do not find it funny. Oh, by the way, the pettiness and childishness must be thrown into the sea of forgetfulness.
We caused this mess, at least we could agree that we must all get together to FIX IT!
Isn’t it time for the leadership of the FNM to lean on the adult in the room and tax them to steer their thought, talk and decisions, toward a sober-minded direction?
It is sad, these days, that so many people are hollering behind closed doors, and start smiling when they see members of the government. This chilling fear is not good. The dejected people are now sucking sorrow in quiet. What a time.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not the absence of fear.
Just for the record, I am in total of God, and God alone, all others are powder puff.
Ivoine W. Ingraham JP
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