Op-Ed: It was a rat trap – where did all the roaches come from?

It was once said to me that to free myself from scrutiny, I should always state my biases out front. Well, in that case, let me state publicly that my name is Leyvon Miller, and presently, I have a job that was given to me by this Progressive Liberal Party administration.

While I am making declarations, let me also add: Yes, I do see why some people may assume that singular fact may have compromised my position on many national issues. Due to that assertion, I wish to say that I only love this job as much as the average Bahamian man loves his wife, but certainly, not as much as they love their sweethearts, and I invite my detractors to do with that information what they wish.

Now, on to the matters at hand. I am confused after watching the news cycle these past weeks because it seems like everything is in a tailspin. What I cannot understand is how America’s setting of a ‘rat trap’ caused all of the roaches to come out, and hopefully, I can capture them all in one swoop by offering some reasonable consideration to the dialog.

Firstly, I disagreed with the Commissioner’s decision to do a national address for the reasons we all saw. It was a poorly advised, disastrously executed undertaking and several heads should roll for that faux pas. He is a commander and ought to have allowed those interested in marketing to sweep up the confusion while he busied himself, handing Michael over to the DPP’s purview, subsequently cleansing himself of all unrighteousness in that matter. That should have been followed by a press release advising that the Americans made an arrest outside of his jurisdiction and confirming whether any of his agency’s assets were involved. Once the statement was issued, his press officer should have been directed to inform the public that the Commissioner had no intention of getting in the affairs of another sovereign jurisdiction while giving assurances that all logistics required would be facilitated; then communicate in the NEWS, that the Commissioner intends to allow justice to take its course and as such his public utterances would be minimal but that the public could be confident that he was doubling his efforts in strategizing and deploying his assets in this war against crime.

Regrettably, none of this happened. Instead, the Commissioner opted to resign, a move that, similarly, I disagreed with, as so many pieces remain missing from this ‘little indictment imbroglio’ that has everyone’s knickers twisted.

If my understanding is correct, these men were named for conspiracy to import cocaine, possession and use of a firearm, and firearms conspiracy. Since then, a Sergeant was fired, a request for the discharge of a Chief Superintendent was made, and the RBDF has discharged a Force Chief Petty Officer, albeit of the umpteen times I heard this story on all of the news stations claiming to be major, Mr. Darrin Roker was referred to as a Chief Petty Officer—as he was named in the US indictment—a fact that itself makes this whole operation appear like one big circus show.

I am of the view that if anyone understands the particular need to get names correct in an allegation of this magnitude, it should be the Americans and certainly, if there is anyone that should ensure that ranks and titles are correctly stated, particularly in an indictment that would have career-ending implications, it should be the Americans.

Dear Editor, according to my information, a Chief Petty Officer Roker does exist, but it is not any of the persons that appeared in the mug shots that I have seen, which makes me question how much of this charade is worthy of executive attention. Despite this revelation, this Looney Toon opposition called for the resignation of the Commissioner, and this government gullibly took the bait.

However, none of them have answered the one question that would make some sense in my view: “Where is the COKE!” Has anyone answered that question yet? Has anyone seen the COKE? Do the Americans even know where the COKE is? Is there even any real COKE in this story, and if so, when will it appear?

At present, it has been approximately 3 weeks since these men were arrested, they have also since been charged and all of the serving members in either Bahamian law enforcement agency, have been terminated from service; yet not even a teaspoon of COKE has manifested. Do the Americans not have an obligation to produce on their claim? Or has this bogus rat trap caused all of the roaches to come out, and now the Americans get to sit and watch as the Negros cannibalize each other?

After all, some very prominent federally employed Americans have suggested publicly that countries like ours are all “shit hole countries,” filled with very bad people that have been responsible for transporting drugs into the very pure American society.

Dear editor, I assume that both our sovereignty and democracy must be ornamental in their view, and they can toy with them at will. I hope the opposition realizes soon why it was premature to call for the Commissioner’s resignation without a scintilla of evidence being heard in a court. I hope the opposition understands why they are referred to as His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition and that resignations of this magnitude do not go unnoticed by the world or investors and affect all public officers and their public image. Some things should simply be off limits to politics and the office of the Commissioner of Police is such a thing. Hopefully, the opposition soon understands that there is a very thin line between love and hate, sanity and insanity, and an even thinner line between hysteria and history-making.

What I witnessed on December 4th 2024, the same day the Prime Minister came to inform the parliament of the C.O.P’s resignation and simultaneous name offering of the perspective C.O.P to the opposition leader, was an already hot and bothered Shannandon Cartwright allowing himself to be emotionally fondled by Adrian White, which led to him throwing the mace from the parliament.

To date, I still cannot clearly discern the reason, nor can I draw any correlation between that day and 1965.

I also cannot say that this was provoked by Madam Speaker and to state it plainly, it seemed like a premeditated act of classist dissention as there is no uncertainty nationwide, that Cartwright nor his leader see the Honorable Madam as worthy to preside. The entire thing was tragic, and I trust that I am not alone when I say we are pulling the trigger too quickly on some of these decisions.

I fear, in their effort to do good, The Office of the Prime Minister will possibly preside over the largest legal mishandling ever witnessed, which will massively affect the government’s purse to pay for the image and reputation of these men. Sadly, at times, The Prime Minister’s communications team reminds me of a teenage boy’s zeal to mate, and I hope they soon learn that not everything is worthy of a chase.

Dear Editor, I guess the presumption of innocence is a farce once the Americans question it, and I guess sovereignty only matters when you’re not in opposition. I hope at some point we know for sure whether the Americans were looking for a Chief Petty Officer or a Force Chief Petty Officer, because there was once a huge difference. More importantly, I hope the Commander Defence Force quits replying about corruption as there is no suggestion that his assets are involved; therefore, there is nothing to address. Hopefully, some COKE will appear in this story soon, but until then, I guess I shall go on smiling as my biggity enduring friend continues to refer to us in public as drug dealers. Gentlemen, have some dignity and go back in hiding. This wasn’t a righteousness bomb; it was merely a Rat Trap, and now the neighbors all know about our roaches. God Forbid!

Nonetheless, Madam Commissioner will soon assume the helm amidst this kerfuffle, and whenever that happens, I intend to pledge my full support to her in protecting His Majesty’s Good Peace.

Written by:

Leyvon Miller JP

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