‘My job is in jeopardy because of police negligence’



All of our systems set you up for possible failure. We need to get it together. All the best to this young man who has made a considerable effort to improve his life.

I pray that God will find favor upon his life. This young man is seeking to be a game changer for his life and family

Let us all agree for this man to get positive results and that his job remains secure.

It’s so unfortunate that the justice system seems bias….March 19th of 2024 , as I drove my usual route home, I saw the most beautiful flowers situated outside a wall near the street and decided to stop and pick 4 of them. Two weeks after the fact; Two policemen came to my place of employment and said they were there to arrest me for stealing and damaging property; At the Sound of this I immediately asked what for they went on to explain the matter of the picked flowers….and they said it was an offense because even though it’s near the road it’s someone’s property ~ To make a long story short I was arrested at the wulf road police station on that Sunday at 10:25 , I was mugshot and fingerprinted and was released on a $500.00 bail and had to show up to court #3 on the 11 of April. This whole incident left me traumatized and embarrassed ~ The officers stated how they went to my previous places of employment to find me….

I feel really sorry for this young man. He wants to make a difference but it is society that is keeping back. Please somebody even the government help him. He has a .positive out look at life. Folks.in authority please help him. The young .man is not asking for a handout..,he wants to work and. somebody is holding him back. Give him.a chance.

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