NASSAU, The Bahamas — Dr. the Hon. Duane Sands, Minister of Health, and a cardio-thoracic and vascular surgeon, addressed an assembly of Eva Hilton Primary School students on today on the subject of heart health. During the Minister’s informative visit, sixth grader and student of the year at Eva Hilton, Remington Minnis (holding cheque third from right), made a presentation to Thelma Johnson (second from left), president of the Bahamas Heart Association of a cheque for $1,551 raised to assist children and adults with heart problems, through T-shirt sales and other activities. Remington, who followed his passion to help persons with heart health concerns, and his mother Rochelle (second from right), together created “Hugs for Hearts” which they placed on the T-shirts in memory of his father and grandfather who both passed away due to heart problems. Also pictured is Jennice Johnson, vice-principal. (BIS Photos/Patrick Hanna)