Letters to the Editor: Restoring Light and Safety in Garden Hills

Dear Editor, 

Our beloved Garden Hills Constituency is in a state of neglect. The community is literally and figuratively in darkness, grappling with issues that have been overlooked for far too long. 

A staggering 36 street lights across Garden Hills remain non-functional, with some being out of order for months. This includes a crucial unnamed street between Soldier Road and Alocasia Road, where all nine lights are out.  

Below is a detailed list of the affected areas and the number of street lights that are off:

  • Chenille Avenue: 3 lights 
  • Emmanuel Drive: 2 lights 
  • Shell Fish Road: 1 light 
  • Premiers Avenue: 1 light 
  • Chapel Drive: 1 light 
  • Baillou Hill Road: 1 light 
  • Bozine Town Road: 2 lights 
  • Bozine Town Park: lacks adequate lighting 
  • East Street (by tile store and tire shop): 1 light 
  • Pearson Way: 2 lights 
  • Alocasia Road and Soldier Road: 9 lights 
  • Carefree Court: 1 light 
  • Street behind Lil Generals: 1 light 
  • Amherstia Avenue: 1 light 
  • Frangipani Avenue: 1 light 
  • Cordia Avenue: 2 lights 
  • Knowles Drive: 2 lights 
  • Road next to Pride Estates Park off Premiers Avenue: 1 light 

These unlit streets are more than a mere inconvenience; they are a glaring safety hazard. The absence of proper lighting significantly heightens the risk of accidents and crime, undermining the security and quality of life for all residents. Streetlights are vital to the safety of our children, the elderly, and all who traverse these roads daily. 

Our community’s patience is wearing thin. Residents of Garden Hills have repeatedly voiced their concerns and frustrations, expecting our elected representatives to uphold their duty to ensure our safety and well-being. These urgent issues must be addressed. We need immediate and effective action to restore the lighting and safety that our community desperately needs.

The time for promises has ended. It is time for tangible action and visible results.  

The safety and well-being of Garden Hills cannot wait.  

Our community deserves better, and we will not rest until our calls for action are heeded.

Written by: D’Angelo M. Ferguson


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