Letters to the Editor: People must open their eyes to the COVID-19 vaccine

Dear Editor,

I don’t really know how our people became so ignorant with arrogance due to COVID-19 and all strains of COVID. How does COVID-19 became a political issue if it’s deemed a “global health crisis”? Have we been so stupid to believe that the vaccine, which everyone longed for, is a tracking device? Do we trust our own medical professionals, since we are so educated in other fields and think we are the experts? All doctors and nurses are tired.

Bahamians are so Americanized that we don’t want to follow rules to save our lives such as curfews? There was a time in our country when a work week was from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm; everything was closed after that time and the weekends, but we made it. Now it’s: “Who are you to tell me what time I must stay in my house?”

Or have we become so greedy for money? Yes, money is needed to facilitate our needs and wants, but to what extent? Yes, people are hurting, but picture this: all government employees, insurance company employees, all utility employees, all banking personnel, all food store personnel, web shop employees, churches, etc were paid their salaries. Yes, it might not have been the full amount, but they received something.

NIB (the National Insurance Board) has paid out a substantial amount of funds to persons, who have exploited the funds for hair, nails, gambling, even buying a lil’ piece on the side. How is this going to be recouped? In more taxes. Persons go from one food outlet to the next collecting and reselling the items, Bahamians and Haitian Bahamians. The question comes: when all the money runs out, what then?

We have shown we have lost our morals. No matter how much we are in church, even our church leaders, as it’s all about money.

Let’s look at those who refused taking the vaccine in this manner: if you are the cause of someone’s hospitalization and death, what makes you different from those persons in jail for murder? In your indiscriminate actions because there was not enough education on the matter or enough time for the vaccine process or not enough choices of vaccine, you are then a murderer.

So, let’s stop being ignorant all our days. Get vaccinated so you can get back to what’s important.

If your eyes have not been opened due to COVID-19, mine have, realizing the nature of who Bahamians and Haitian Bahamians really are.

We have changed as a people!

A fed-up Bahamian

  • To have your letter to the editor published, email eyewitnessbahamas@gmail.com. Please note letters should be under 500 words and refrain from using profanity, slurs or otherwise offensive language.

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