Letters to the Editor: Exorbitant boat registration fees will have a ripple effect

Letters to the Editor: Exorbitant boat registration fees will have a ripple effect


In a world where the cost of living has become a surmounting burden for families and businesses alike, the recent proposition to dramatically increase boat registration fees from a digestible $20 to a staggering $750 for small boats, and from a reasonable $200 to a crushing $3,000 for larger vessels, is a cause for concern that cannot be ignored. Such inflation percentages—3,650% and 1,400% increases, respectively—are not merely figures on a page; they symbolize a potential undertow that could drag the vitality from many rural communities that depend on the health of their blue economies.

In small rural towns across our nation, where the ebb and flow of the local economy are intricately tied to the waterways, boats are not mere leisure vehicles; they are the lifeblood that sustains families, drives small businesses, and ensures economic prosperity. This proposed fee hike has sent ripples of alarm through these tight-knit communities, and for valid reasons. We must anchor ourselves in the reality that these changes can capsize the very way of life for many of our fellow citizens.

The Impact on Small Businesses

At the heart of the argument against these proposed fees lies the strain on small businesses. Marinas, boat dealers, fishing charters, and tour operators often operate on slim margins, with profits as variable as the tides. By increasing the registration costs so drastically, we are not asking these enterprises to pay more; we are demanding that they shoulder a financial burden many cannot bear.

Imagine a fishing charter business that operates a small fleet. The amplified costs could mean the difference between hiring an extra hand or cutting shifts, between upgrading safety equipment or prioritizing registration fees, between staying afloat or sinking under the weight of financial duress. These businesses bristle the economic coastline of our communities, and if they go under, the ripple effect will demolish the tranquility of our local economies.

Ripple Effect on Employees

The second wave will hit employees hardest—the deckhands, tour guides, mechanics, and shop clerks. Higher registration fees inevitably lead to higher operational costs, which then lead to tightening belts. Jobs could be slashed, hours reduced, and entire livelihoods jeopardized. The employees within these industries often reside within the communities they serve, meaning their spending power will wane, affecting local businesses beyond the water’s edge.

Families Cast Adrift

For families, the exorbitant increase in boat registration fees is tantamount to being cast adrift without paddles. Recreational boating is not merely a pastime; it is a conduit for family bonding, a respite from the grind of daily life, and, in some cases, a vital link to sources of sustenance like fishing. By inflating fees to such extremes, we risk severing this connection, relegating activities that were once within the grasp of the middle class to the realm of luxury.

Economic Development in the Blue Economy

The blue economy is integral to the prosperity of rural coastal towns and includes everything from boating and fishing to scientific research and renewable energy. By hampering one of the critical gears in this machine, the proposed fee increase could single-handedly stymie innovation, deter investment, and decelerate growth. Investors think in terms of risk and return, and nothing screams “risky” louder than an economy hamstrung by policies that impede its primary economic drivers.

The implications run deeper still. The blue economy is not a self-contained ecosystem. It supports ancillary industries—boat manufacturing, equipment sales, maintenance services, and tourism to name but a few. The high fees will likely reduce the new boat registrations, second-hand boat sales, and, consequently, the economic activities surrounding these transactions.


As stewards of these rural communities, we must ask ourselves whether we are willing to jeopardize the essence of our blue economy on the altar of short-term fiscal policy. It is essential to consider the far-reaching implications of such an increase in boat registration fees. We must balance the need to sustain government revenue with the livelihoods that revenue is supposed to support.

Rather than setting a course for economic hardship, let us navigate towards sensible solutions that promote health in our blue economies while preserving the traditions and livelihoods central to our communities. Cooperation between industry stakeholders and government agencies could result in alternative funding strategies, like graduated fee systems based on size and usage, or eco-taxes on disposable plastic items to fund environmental waterway projects.

The tide of public opinion is a powerful indicator, and when it comes to the proposed increase in boat registration fees, the currents are clearly warning us of a brewing storm. Public policy must be infused with both economic practicality and a dash of empathy. To weather this tempest, we need to trim our sails and chart a thoughtful, inclusive course that ensures the prosperity of our small rural communities for generations to come.

Denise Johnson, ASc., MPhil., ASMEC, MBA
President of Bahamas Association of Shore Experiences (BASE)