LETTER TO THE EDITOR: UN’s response to Major improper

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: UN’s response to Major improper

Dear Editor,

I was appalled at the manner and nature of the response of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, to Rex Major’s publicly expressed concerns about marital rape.

There was no attempt to address the concerns or points of argument in Rex Major’s remarks; and therefore there was no substantive advancement of the marital rape debate.

Instead, personal attacks were made against Rex Major suggesting that he is ignorant of the challenges of marriage, although he had been married for many years.

The response, in accusing him of ranting against women, seems to accuse him of actually hating women, although he has fathered a houseful of daughters, who are highly respected women, of high repute in our society.

The rant against him that “he demonstrated not an iota of theological, pastoral or humanist understanding”, is hard to accept, given that he was trained in theology and has pastored and advised thousands of Bahamians over the many years of his distinguished career.

Calling Rex Major a number of bad names, attempting to sully his revered image and trying to shout him down, is downright disrespectful, irrational and distracting; and it waters down the claim that marital rape is really and truly a serious issue that Bahamians should be discussing.

On the other hand, calm, sober and respectful responses in this national debate on marital rape are needed; and in this regard, it seems that the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women should now begin an urgent and earnest effort to engage in fit and proper debate, with a display of respect and emotional intelligence.


Submitted by: Rodney Moncur


Moncur belongs in jail for admitting to ‘holding down’ his wife on tv. But he is right on Rex Major.

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