There is a cadre and a remnant of Bahamians who, even though they have already given a lifetime of unselfish national service on behalf of the people of this wonderful nation, continue to serve. In particular, the Rt. Hon. Algernon “Bulgie” SPB Allen comes readily to mind.
I have been privileged to have “known” Bulgie, as he is universally known to all and sundry, all of my life—from childhood days in the Father Callan and Wulff Road areas to adulthood. We both attended the legendary Government High School on Poinciana Drive, where The University of The Bahamas is now located. He was one of my Prefects and a top-notch athlete. Of course, he was also viewed by most of us as a “brain box.” Later, like myself, he pursued a career in law, and we both attended The University of London and were later called to the Bar.
From day one, after both of us were admitted to The Bahamas Bar (with a few years in between us), we became fierce but respectful competitors, especially at the Criminal Bar. He eventually entered front-line politics, first as a PLP adherent in the then Coconut Grove and now Saint Barnabas constituencies. Eventually, he ran for the Free National Movement in the great constituency of Marathon.
He quickly earned the moniker “The Marathon Man.” Former Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert A. Ingraham, appointed him to cabinet, where he served with distinction as Minister of Housing & Social Services. I was fortunate to have been granted a consultancy within that ministry by PM Ingraham and worked with Bulgie for several years. He was also appointed Leader of Government Business by Mr. Ingraham. One of his grandest achievements was the conceptualization, layout, and successful development of Millennium Gardens Subdivision.
After the fall of the Ingraham administration in 2012, Bulgie remained active in national life and was eventually appointed co-chair of the embryonic Urban Renewal Commission by former PM, the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie. His distinguished co-chair was the then Hon. Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, former longtime Member of Parliament for St. Barnabas and now our beloved Governor-General. Together, inter alia, they did a fantastic job, and the nation “owes” them a debt of gratitude.
A few weeks ago, the Urban Renewal Authority was formally elevated and codified to the level of an autonomous public authority. Mr. Stephen Dean, a member of the original team, was selected and has been appointed the first Managing Director of the same. Bulgie and the Reverend Diana Francis, Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church, are serving as co-chairs. It is to be commended that Bulgie has already done yeoman’s service for the Bahamian people in politics, public life, and, of course, the law.
Yet, instead of sitting on his laurels and what could be a very comfortable “retirement,” Bulgie, thanks be to Almighty God, is pressing on. I believe in awarding people their roses while they are above ground. With your leave, Editor, allow me to publicly thank Brother Allen for all that he has done and will continue to do for our wonderful nation, regardless of political labels and tribalism. To God, then, in all things, be the glory.
Ortland H. Bodie, Jr.
Business Consultant & Talk Show Host