Government aims to crush growing gang culture with tougher laws says Attorney General

Government aims to crush growing gang culture with tougher laws says Attorney General


NASSAU, BAHAMAS- Attorney General Ryan Pinder has explained that the government intends to target gangs as a criminal organization as it is currently in the process of redrafting laws to introduce stiffer laws to crack down on what has been described as a growing gang culture in the country.

The AG told reporters on Thursday afternoon that the current penal code already outlines certain offenses for people being “gang members;” but, he explained that the amended legislation will now “criminalize the institution of the gang.”

Prime Minister Philip Davis, in a national address on Sunday, asserted that the Royal Bahamas Police Force has been given a directive to target gang leaders as a means of dismantling various gang organizations in the country.

The AG says all hands are on deck as meetings, on this Anti-Gang Legislation Act, commenced earlier this week.

About Theo Sealy

Theo Sealy is an award-winning journalist who serves as senior broadcast reporter and weekend TV news anchor at Eyewitness News. He has achieved several career milestones, including his work as a field contributor with CNN, his coverage of four consecutive general elections, his production of several docuseries and his Bahamas Press Club Awards win for “Best Television News Story” in 2018.