Energy Minister addresses BPL massive power outage in New Providence

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Energy Minister JoBeth Coleby-Davis assured residents on Friday that government is employing a “sense of urgency” to rectify electricity woes; her assertion came on the heels of an extensive black-out in New Providence which began 9:00 pm Thursday August 15, 2034 into the morning hours of Friday August 16, 2024.

Bahamas Power and Light officials revealed that up to 50% of electricity consumers in New Providence suffered as a result of the massive power generation failure.

Coleby-Davis noted that the country’s transmission and distribution line is “stressed and strained. She said, “we are pulling and demanding a certain number of voltage of power to be generated in various homes and business.”

Thursday evening’s black-out period came weeks after the Davis administration announced its 5-point Energy Reform plan; the Energy Minister told reporters that the plan “is progressing” and insisted that those plans will help to address power woes which remain a thorn in the sides of local consumers.


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