The Bahamas Chess Olympiad Open Team secures three points in Round 6
NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Bahamas Open Team trumped Seychelles in Round 6 winning three out of
four games.
CM Kendrick Knowles, WCM Polina Kerelina, and Noah Albury all secured a win for the Open Team. The Bahamas Women’s Team put up a valiant fight against Sudan but only WCM Daijah Johnson was able to secure a win in Round 6.
“This Olympiad experience has been a challenging one but has also been a fun and learning experience,” said Albury, Open Team.
He continued: “Whether I win or lose I get to grow from the experience. My goal for the rest of the tournament is to win more games.”
The 44th FIDE Chess Olympiad is an over-the-board team event. National Chess Federations compete
in classical games for gold medals, trophies, and the title of strongest chess nation in the world. The
event consists of an 11-round Swiss tournament; each player from a national team plays against
another player from the opposing national team.
Teams receive game points for winning or drawing games and match points for winning or drawing a match. Teams with the most match points for each section become the champions of their section, with a third award going for the team with the most points from both sections combined.
“After taking a two-year hiatus from chess due to Covid, and adjusting to university life, being offered the opportunity to participate in the 44th Chess Olympiad in Chennai, India was a whirlwind of emotions for me,” said Daijah Johnson, Women’s Team.
She continued: “After being gone for so long, my first two rounds started off a bit shaky, however, my game returned to what it once was for the preceding three rounds. After 6 rounds in all and having played 5 rounds, I won 3 games and lost 2 of them. My final win out of my three-win streak was honestly one of my favorites.
“In my opinion, I played a good game from start to finish, and I truly felt like I was tapping back into the strength that I once had.”
Yesterday served as a well-deserved rest day after six straight days of play. Tournament play
resumes today, and Round 6 will see The Bahamas Open Team up against Barbados.
The Barbados Team comprises a highly rated International Master (IM) and FIDE Master (FM). The Bahamas Women’s Team will face off against Guam. The Bahamas has a total of 17.5 points.