Aviation report: COVID-19 transmission on board flights “very low”

Aviation report: COVID-19 transmission on board flights “very low”

Mass thermal scanning and touchless, biometric processes recommended at airports

NASSAU, BAHAMAS — As the aviation sector prepares to introduce new security and health standards for a phased reopening of air travel amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the International Air Transport Association (IATA) said the risk of contracting the virus while on board an aircraft is “very low”.

While Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis has said The Bahamas could further ease restrictions for international and commercial travel on or before July 1, at least one country in the region — St. Lucia — plans to reopen to visitors on June 4.

In its latest report, the IATA said: “Based on information we have analyzed, the risk of transmission of COVID-19 from one passenger to another passenger on board is very low.

“Possible reasons are that customers sit facing forward and not toward each other; seat backs provide a barrier; the use of HEPA filters and the direction of the air flow on board (from ceiling to floor), and the limited movement onboard aircraft once seated add to the onboard protection.

“As an added protection against possible in-flight transmission, IATA recommends the use of face coverings by travelers in situations where physical distancing cannot be maintained, including in flight.

“For these reasons, physical distancing on board (e.g. through blocked seats) is not necessary.

The IATA report released Tuesday, titled ‘Biosecurity for Air Transport: A roadmap to restarting Aviation’ represents the airline industry’s effort to outline the way forward to resuming operations with the highest safety standards.

It also recommended mass temperature screening at entry points, physical distancing in terminals and lounges, and the continued use of facial masks for passengers.

According to the Nick Careen, IATA senior vice president of airport, passenger, cargo and security, pandemic represents the “biggest challenge in commercial aviation’s history”.

He acknowledge there is no single measure that can mitigate all risks with restarting your travel, but implementation of a range of measures is the most effective way of balancing risk mitigation with the need to unlock economies and enable travel.

He noted to restore confidence in air travel and to ensure the sector does not become a vector for the spread of the virus, “temporary and significant change” in travel is necessary.

Borders across the globe have largely remain closed amid the pandemic.

Air travel has been limited to repatriations of citizens, emergencies, and transport of critical supplies and personnel.

According to the report, restarting the industry amid the current environment will require governments to assume broad new responsibilities in terms of assessing the health risks of travelers, as governments did for security following the terror attack of 9/11.

Among the recommendations was for health screening measures to be introduced as far upstream as possible so passenger can be empowered to take more control of their journey; and temporary multi-layered biosecurity.

It said before a passenger travels,  more details contact information should be obtained in electronic form through government portals in advance of travel should be collected for contact tracing purposes.

The report said: “IATA strongly recommends that states set up government Internet portals in order to collect the required passenger data. Using internet-based technology would allow the use of a wide range of devices for the data capture: computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc.”

It encouraged check-in be done in advance from home to minimize the time spent at the airport. It said to achieve this, governments should remove regulatory obstacles to enable mobile or home-printed boarding passes and electronic or home printed bag tags.

The IATA also suggested rapid COVID-19 tests be applied on entry to the terminal as soon as effective test that have been validated by the medical community has been developed.


The report also explored immunity electronic passports, saying while it can pay an important role in facilitating air travel, the medical evidence on immunity from the virus is still inconclusive.

“At such time as the medical evidence supports the possibility of an immunity passport, we believe it is essential that a recognized global standard be introduced, and that corresponding documents be made available electronically,” IATA said.

The report also recommended self-service, touchless and biometric processes be used as much as possible to limit contact at all passenger touch points.

The boarding process is also expected to change with ensure distancing, especially during the early stages of restarting the industry.

About Royston Jones Jr.

Royston Jones Jr. is a senior digital reporter and occasional TV news anchor at Eyewitness News. Since joining Eyewitness News as a digital reporter in 2018, he has done both digital and broadcast reporting, notably providing the electoral analysis for Eyewitness News’ inaugural election night coverage, “Decision Now 2021”.


My name is shanika brown and i would like the prime ministers dr Hubert minis to get this message and reach out to me please i need your help am not from here but i came to visit for the first time in my life .and not because am on jamaican citizens this is the way your bahamian them treat woman i been staying with some people one month and three week remember am not working if i have a ten or twenty dolla i would give them towards food but i been notice am been sleeping an the man touching me up in my sleep on i do not like it .an him been saying if am not juicing him i can’t stay in his place no more oh gosh mon it could be a bahamian in jamaica an the crisis we would not treat them like this am asking and begging you please at least open the airport a bit so i can go home to my family and kids i no they would not treat me like this please i really need to go home it the first am facing these hard time in my life regardless of the situation i think people must look out for one other this is my number 2425658623 am uncomfortable crying

A just the mercy a god and the faith kept me am crying and praying to my god at least opening the door so i can see light to go home i even sign up and the jam covid19.moh.jm controller reentry program to go home from april the 29 and all now i do not get a phone call are anything but i understand take said it take time but am out of the patient at this moment am in pain am hurt in side can’t believe man kind are so heartless to woman .

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